DepEd extolls teacher-broadcasters, EdTech awardees Hard work does not go unnoticed. The teachers who rendered their services beyond measure with passion and commitment for the sake of the learners amid the adversities deserve due recognition and accolade. Schools Division of Paraῆaque City proudly recognized the distinct honor granted by the Department continue reading : DepEd extolls teacher-broadcasters, EdTech awardees

DepEd accords P’que schools in BE Awards
DepEd accords P’que schools in BE Awards Undersecretary for Legislative Affairs, External Partnerships, and Project Management Service Tonisito M.C. Umali of the Department of Education (DepEd) bestowed a distinguished plaque and certificate of recognition to the schools of the Schools Division of Paraῆaque City for grabbing the Best Implementer and Special Awards in the continue reading : DepEd accords P’que schools in BE Awards

SDO top execs show off to personnel the coveted PRIME-HRM bronze; 7s awardees for May 2022 named
SDO top execs show off to personnel the coveted PRIME-HRM bronze; 7s awardees for May 2022 named It is not every day that the ordinary Monday becomes extraordinary. The usual flag ceremony of the Schools Division Office of Paraῆaque became remarkable with the presentation to all non-teaching personnel of the Bronze Award continue reading : SDO top execs show off to personnel the coveted PRIME-HRM bronze; 7s awardees for May 2022 named

Statistics refresher workshop for MTs held
Statistics refresher workshop for MTs held To assist the Master Teachers (MTs) in their research journey, the Schools Division of Paraῆaque through Senior Education Program Specialist (SEPS) Evangeline C. Dabuit of the Planning and Research unit, organized the Educational Statistics Refresher Workshop on May 17-19, 2022. The initiative sprang based on the desire continue reading : Statistics refresher workshop for MTs held

SDO P’que drafts shared vision, smart goals as yields in LRP workshop
SDO P’que drafts shared vision, smart goals as yields in LRP workshop ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT (168) PARTICIPANTS affirmed to be “champions of education” in the recently concluded Division Learning Recovery Planning at the Forest Crest, Tagaytay City, June 9-10, 2022. The said face-to-face workshop held away from the hustle and bustle of the continue reading : SDO P’que drafts shared vision, smart goals as yields in LRP workshop

7S of Good Housekeeping at SDO Paraňaque launched
7S of Good Housekeeping at SDO Paranaque launched Schools Division of Paraňaque City launched right after the virtual flag ceremony, the 7S of Good House Keeping Awards via Zoom, on January 31, 2022. The 7S awards aimed to recognize and reward the individual employees, unit, and division offices following the 7S (sort, systematize, continue reading : 7S of Good Housekeeping at SDO Paraňaque launched

CSC PRIME-HRM II Bronze award bestowed to SDO P’que
CSC PRIME-HRM II Bronze award bestowed to SDO P’que The Civil Service Commission (CSC) bestowed the Schools Division Office (SDO) of Paraňaque City the Bronze Award in the Virtual Awarding of CSC-PRIME-HRM Level II Accreditation attended by all SDO workforces on February 3, 2022, via Zoom. Conferring the CSC award, Dr. Laura D. continue reading : CSC PRIME-HRM II Bronze award bestowed to SDO P’que

SDO urges school, division heads to lead best practices, action research
SDO urges school, division heads to lead best practices, action research “Committed to Quality; Committed to Excellence.” The above tagline of the Schools Division of Paraňaque City speaks of the conscientious effort of Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines to uphold and sustain quality and excellence within the entire division. During the continue reading : SDO urges school, division heads to lead best practices, action research

Division backs all-out use of DepEd CO, RO SLMs
Schools Division of Paraňaque City conducted an engagement dubbed the “Utilization of 3rd Quarter SLMs” attended virtually by the schoolheads, CID and SGOD chiefs, Education Program Supervisors, Public Schools District Supervisors, and concerned Education Program Specialists on January 25, 2022, via Zoom. The engagement presented the utilization guidelines, which the division crafted after having received continue reading : Division backs all-out use of DepEd CO, RO SLMs

DepEd Parañaque caps PRIME – HRM Maturity Level II
Another feather on its cap for SDO Parañaque. SDO Parañaque PASSED the Maturity Level II of the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM) with an impressive one hundred percent compliant in each of the four Core HR Systems: Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP); Performance Management (PM), Learning and Delivery (LD), continue reading : DepEd Parañaque caps PRIME – HRM Maturity Level II