DepEd P’que braces Brigada Pagbasa Year 2 Previous Next It takes a village to educate a child. Every school should be a community school, and teachers should not be solely responsible for educating the whole child. Schools Division of Paraǹaque goes a long way to address the problem of literacy following the Year 1 Learning continue reading : DepEd P’que braces Brigada Pagbasa Year 2

Division conducts 2023 IPCR Planning
Division conducts 2023 IPCR Planning Schools Division Office (SDO) of Paraǹaque conducted the Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) Planning at the Jaime Ferrer Hall on February 10, 2023. Planning the IPCR for SDO personnel is a yearly activity and is usually done early in February, if not in January. But what makes it distinct continue reading : Division conducts 2023 IPCR Planning

SDO names January 2023 awardees
SDO names January 2023 awardees Schools Division of Paraǹaque sustains the rewards and recognition system as a motivating factor for its employees to strengthen work productivity and customer satisfaction. Having earned the highest percentage of 100, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Violeta M. Gonzales took pride as her office, the OASDS, avowed as one of the continue reading : SDO names January 2023 awardees

Division holds training for school canteen teachers, managers
Division holds training for school canteen teachers, managers Schools Division of Paraǹaque organized the Division Capability Training of Public Schools Canteen Teachers and Managers at the Sequoia Hotel on January 20-21, 2023. The training sprang from the request of some schools, which have newly designated school canteen teachers and managers. “With the promotion of the continue reading : Division holds training for school canteen teachers, managers

LCRP Year 1 review gauges better learning outcomes
LCRP Year 1 review gauges better learning outcomes Schools Division of Paranaque concluded the Year 2022 with the 10 Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDSs) conducting a one-day concurrent meeting with all schoolheads together with the department heads and selected master teachers in their respective districts, in different settings on December 29, 2022. The district continue reading : LCRP Year 1 review gauges better learning outcomes

SDO confers MORE, 7s annual awards
SDO confers MORE, 7s annual awards Nothing could equate to the joy of anyone receiving an award for a notable performance in the line of work. At SDO Paraǹaque, deserving employees are bestowed awards for going an extra mile in their job description. Divine Grace Gil M. Faigao could not contain her joy for being continue reading : SDO confers MORE, 7s annual awards

SDO goes K-pop theme X’mas 2022
SDO goes K-pop theme X’mas 2022 “Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.” The above saying proved (that) the gathering, dubbed as a “Fun-Filled Day with SDO Personnel: 2022 Division Christmas Program,” brought happiness to the SDO family at the Jaime Ferrer Hall continue reading : SDO goes K-pop theme X’mas 2022

Local mores depicted in DepEd P’que social faceoff
Local mores depicted in DepEd P’que social faceoff It is more fun in the Schools Division of Paraňaque. That second time could be exceedingly fantastic. Each SDO personnel painted joy in awe and excitement in the 2022 Division Cultural Presentation on December 9 at the Jaime Ferrer Hall, the second time (with the first in continue reading : Local mores depicted in DepEd P’que social faceoff

SDO holds unconventional GAD confab
SDO holds unconventional GAD confab Truly a life-changing experience. The Seminar on Gender and Development (GAD) of the Schools Division of Paraǹaque on November 25-26, 2022, at Sequoia Hotel was a distinct encounter for the SDO personnel. The SDO participants were wrapped up not only in matters related to DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2017 continue reading : SDO holds unconventional GAD confab

Building Drug-Fee Paraǹaque City Schools
Building Drug-Fee Paraǹaque City Schools Schools Division of Paraǹaque in coordination with Public Schools District Supervisor Mineilwin R. Serdana, Division NDEP focal person, joined the symposium dubbed as Journey to a Drug Free Campus organized by the School Anti-Drug Abuse Council (SADAC) at the San Antonio Gym on November 22, 2022. Student representatives from the continue reading : Building Drug-Fee Paraǹaque City Schools