SDO confers MORE, 7s annual awards
Nothing could equate to the joy of anyone receiving an award for a notable performance in the line of work. At SDO Paraǹaque, deserving employees are bestowed awards for going an extra mile in their job description.
Divine Grace Gil M. Faigao could not contain her joy for being awarded the Outstanding Employee of the Year, Project MORE (MOments of Recognition for Excellence) Annual Award, conferred during the Fun-filled Day with SDO Personnel: 2022 Division Christmas Program at the SDO Jaime Ferrer Hall on December 16, 2022.
Faigao did not expect to clutch the said recognition. According to her, she has performed the tasks expected of her as an employee not thinking of a reward. However, her consistency towards work earned appreciation from the office she belongs to and enough to stand out from among her fellow contenders, not just being an employee of the month.
Aside from MORE, the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent (OSDS) bested the other unit offices as it bagged the Project 7s (sort, systematize, sweep, standardize, self-discipline, sustain, and safety) of Good Housekeeping Annual Award. The determination of Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines to level up and innovate the OSDS through its Run for 100% implementation launched in October made a difference for efficient services.
In practice, Projects MORE and 7s identify monthly awardees. The personnel or unit office winning consistently or has a number of win for 12 months receives an annual award in a culmination activity. SGOD-Education Program Supervisor Dr. Rosie R. Rumbaoa facilitated MORE, while Public Schools District Supervisors Dr. Mineilwin R. Serdana, Dr. Nelita S. Belena, Engr. Leonora J. Nofuente, and Dr. Ma. Dolora S. Zaragoza for 7s.
The excitement did not end with the annual awards of MORE and 7s, for the Division gave surprise awards to the other personnel, to wit: Marvin F. De Leon, Mary Ann T. Lorenzana, Manolo Talosig, and Kimberly Anne Pelovello for having rendered overtime work without financial return. The said employees extended their time for work whenever called for, especially in the exigence of service.
Moreover, the Human Resource Personnel received the Most Resilient Unit award for responding positively and confidently to pressures on the deadlines, no matter how voluminously the documents and reports they accomplished.
On the other hand, the Learning Resource and Management Division System (LRMDS), headed by Education Program Supervisor Rodel C. Apostol with Librarian III Katreena A. Baluyot, grabbed the Most Creative and Innovative Unit.
Furthermore, the ISO Waste Management Team comprising Dr. Allan Julius Baggayan, Dr. Antonio Layacan, Mr. Vicente Pelayo, and Ms. Salve Tesorero, likewise received a Special Award.
Dr. Ladines hoped that the awards given to the worthy SDO personnel would inspire them more, and influence others to work productively, level up the services, and aspire for client satisfaction. (by Reena G. Orquina)