SDO goes K-pop theme X’mas 2022
“Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.”
The above saying proved (that) the gathering, dubbed as a “Fun-Filled Day with SDO Personnel: 2022 Division Christmas Program,” brought happiness to the SDO family at the Jaime Ferrer Hall on December 16, 2022.
For DepEd Paranaque, extravagance does not guarantee happiness. Simple yet meaningful, the purpose for which the SDO celebrated Christmas mattered in conformance to DepEd Memo No. 52, s. 2022.
The division and unit office personnel wore K-pop-inspired aesthetic get-ups, introductions, and performances for extra fun. The spirit of Christmas reflected on everyone regardless of position or status. Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines desired that everybody would be happy. “December is a happy month. That’s why we are here to be happy, as it is a time of giving and sharing,” she quipped.
What else could stimulate a social gathering than the showcase of talents and skills? The employees proved themselves right in the contests on singing and dancing, rendering surprise numbers, parlor games, and a raffle draw of Christmas presents in cash or kind. Likewise, a variety of food served on the table satisfied the cravings long withheld by those (perhaps) on a diet.
The gathering was the highlight of the 2022 IPCRF Milestones, which started on December 12 and up to that momentous December 16. The best and most exciting part was the announcement of Special Awards to the SDO personnel as overall winners of the Project MORE and 7’s Implementers. (by Reena G. Orquina)