Division conducts 2023 IPCR Planning
Schools Division Office (SDO) of Paraǹaque conducted the Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) Planning at the Jaime Ferrer Hall on February 10, 2023.
Planning the IPCR for SDO personnel is a yearly activity and is usually done early in February, if not in January. But what makes it distinct every time is the openness of all employees to self-evaluate their performance, citing the areas needing improvement based on their previous IPCR and with Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines encouraging all to go the extra mile which means being willing to make a special effort to do or achieve something,without forgetting the mainstream or the usual way of doing things as part of their job description.
In the plenary session, the division, section, and unit offices presented sample IPCR outputs for scrutiny by the body. The presentation aimed to align the objectives, programs, and activities of the different offices in their respective Key Result Areas (KRAs).
The scrutiny likewise tackled the Key Performance Indicators to consider Quality, Efficiency, and Timeliness in preparation for the Means of Verification (MOVs) before coming up with an actual rating.
The ways forward required uploading the IPCR in a shared folder and meeting again by July 2023 for the Mid-Year IPCR review. In addition, the significant part to look forward to is strengthening the coaching and mentoring to improve performance, especially of newly hired personnel. (by Reena G. Orquina)