DEped p’que awards 2023 division’s most outstanding teachers It was such a day filled with fun and excitement for the teachers who received an accolade during the Awarding of the Most Outstanding Teachers of the Schools Division of Paraǹaque City with the theme, “Together for Teachers – Appreciation, Admiration, Approval, Attention,” at the Jaime Ferrer continue reading : DepEd P’que awards 2023 Division’s Most Outstanding Teachers

DepEd Pque holds 2023 Recognition to Loyalty Awardees, Tribute to Retirees
Call it a day of grandeur and festivity for the Schools Division of Paraǹaque City on its Division Tribute for the 77 Loyalty Awardees – 62 of them have been in the service for 30 years, 13 for 35 years, and two for 40 years – as well as, 34 Retirees held at the continue reading : DepEd Pque holds 2023 Recognition to Loyalty Awardees, Tribute to Retirees

ParCen triumphs in AMG global tilt
parcen triumphs in amg global tilt “Given the opportunity, the Paraǹaque learners will soar high and win in international competitions.” Thus commented Schools Division Superintendent Nerissa L. Losaria relative to the distinct feat of the ParCen Color Guard Ensemble declared the Champion in the Asian Music Games (AMG) held at Jember, Indonesia, on Sept. continue reading : ParCen triumphs in AMG global tilt

SDO P’que joins 2023 NSPC, NFOT
SDO P’QUE JOINS 2023 NSPC, NFOT Schools Division Office of the Schools Division of Paraǹaque City displayed full support to the delegates of the division by its attendance to monitor and benchmark the National Festival of Talents (NFOT) and National Schools Press Conference (NSPC), July 16-21, 2023 in Cagayan de Oro (CDO) City, Region X. continue reading : SDO P’que joins 2023 NSPC, NFOT

SDO undergoes 2023 GAD
SDO undergoes 2023 GAD Ninety-four (94) non-teaching personnel (NTP) gathered at the PITX as early as 4:00 A.M. and were on board in two Solid North buses an hour before departure at 6:30 A.M. and arrived at Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City, at noon of May 3, 2023. Upon arrival, everybody took the lunch meal. Afterward, continue reading : SDO undergoes 2023 GAD

SDO P’que employees ‘meet, greet’ new SDS
SDO P’que employees ‘meet, greet’ new SDS Previous Next It’s a fresh start for the Schools Division of Paraǹaque with its new head of office, Schools Division Superintendent Nerissa L. Losaria. Gathered at the Jaime Ferrer Hall in a ‘meet and greet’ on April 12, 2023, all SDO employees were all ears at the new continue reading : SDO P’que employees ‘meet, greet’ new SDS

DepEd P’que welcomes new SDS, holds turn-over ceremony
DepEd P’que welcomes new SDS, holds turn-over ceremony Outgoing Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines turned over the symbolic key, Division flag, and documents to the incoming Schools Division Superintendent Nerissa L. Losaria in the eventful Turn-over Ceremony at the PNHS Main-AVR on April 11, 2023. The ceremony likewise officially welcomed Dr. Losaria to the continue reading : DepEd P’que welcomes new SDS, holds turn-over ceremony

Awards cap 1st Division Research Congress
Awards cap 1st Division Research Congress The ambiance was formal, solemn, and sober, yet, the jauntiness of program hosts Dr. Allan Julius N. Baggayan and Mrs. Ma. Teresa DL Manansala blanched a lighter mood to the expressions of the joining teacher-researchers, schoolheads, guests, division supervisors, and specialists in corporate attire filling the audio-visual room of continue reading : Awards cap 1st Division Research Congress

DepEd P’que holds 1st Research Congress
DepEd P’que holds 1st Research Congress It has been a long dream turned into reality for the Schools Division of Paraǹaque City to hold the Division Research Congress on March 8, 2023, at the PNHS Main-AVR. The resolve of Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines to materialize the said significant event capped as the first continue reading : DepEd P’que holds 1st Research Congress

SDO extols February 2023 victors of 7S, Project MORE
SDO extols February 2023 victors of 7S, Project MORE Previous Next What more could spread positive vibes than reaping the fruits of (one’s) labor? Schools Division Office of Paraǹaque City awarded the February winners of the 7S (Sort, Systematize, Sweep, Standardize, Self-discipline, Sustain, and Safety) of Good Housekeeping and Project MORE (Moments of Recognition for Excellence) during its Flag Ceremony at the Jaime Ferrer continue reading : SDO extols February 2023 victors of 7S, Project MORE