SDO Parañaque conducts ISO 9001:2015 Management Review for 2020

To ensure continuous services aligned with ISO 9001:2015 management system, the Schools Division of Parañaque through Senior Education Program Specialist for Human Resource Development (SEPS-HRD) and overall ISO coordinator, Dr. Rosie O. Rumbaoa, conducted the Quality Management Review via Google Meet, August 28. The recitation of the Quality Policy Statement led by SGOD chief, Dr. continue reading : SDO Parañaque conducts ISO 9001:2015 Management Review for 2020

Grade 10, SHS tutors undergo Premium-Paid Quipper training

To assist the teachers in responding positively to the new normal, the Schools Division of Parañaque through its Information Technology (IT) officer, Mr. Al C. Catchillar, initiated the Premium-Paid Quipper Online Management System Training for Selected Grade 10 and Senior High School Teachers via Google Meet, August 25-26. The participants performed various hands-on tasks such continue reading : Grade 10, SHS tutors undergo Premium-Paid Quipper training

PSDSs heed to SDS to upkeep private schools

The Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDSs) of the Schools Division of Parañaque assisted and rendered technical assistance to the private schools in drafting and finalizing their Learning Continuity Plan (LCP)  aligned with the Division LCP as instructed by the Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines, together with the Curriculum and Implementation Division chief, Dr. continue reading : PSDSs heed to SDS to upkeep private schools

All systems go notwithstanding the delay of classes, says SDS Ladines

“In spite of the deferment of classes from August 24 to October 5, we will not cease to cope with the remaining tasks to ensure that we are better prepared come the opening of classes,” thus said Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines in a Division Virtual Meeting, August 17. Participated in by the OIC-Assistant continue reading : All systems go notwithstanding the delay of classes, says SDS Ladines

SDO Parañaque monitors school readiness for S.Y. 2020-2021

In view of the number of days left to commence School Year 2020-2021 on August 24, all schoolheads of the Schools Division of Parañaque presented the readiness assessment of their schools to Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines and OIC – Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Violeta M. Gonzales via Google Meet, August 6-8. The engagement continue reading : SDO Parañaque monitors school readiness for S.Y. 2020-2021

Keeping the Doors of Learning Open: the Essence of Collaboration, Cohesion and Teamwork

The conduct of the first virtual Parents Assembly on Pre-School Opening Activities (PSOA) in the Schools Division of Parañaque City last July 28, 2020 cleared the misconception of parents that blended or distance learning in education will just focus on technology tools or online learning needs. The said activity aimed to orient the parents on continue reading : Keeping the Doors of Learning Open: the Essence of Collaboration, Cohesion and Teamwork

K-6 levels roll out real-time PSOA parents training

Proper planning and preparation prevents poor performance. – Stephen Keague The Schools Division of Parañaque seized on to the adage in the conduct of the Pre School Opening Activities (PSOA) – Parents Training for Kinder to Grade 6 (K-6) levels, August 3-7. The parents training was conducted simultaneously by the K-6 schools following the division continue reading : K-6 levels roll out real-time PSOA parents training

SDO Parañaque’s plea to parents: back the giving out of modules, retrieval of books

To acquaint the parents on the procedure of the distribution and retrieval of the learning packages, the Schools Division of Parañaque organized the 1st Virtual General Parents-Teachers Association (GPTA) assembly via Google Meet and FB live streaming, July 28. Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines acknowledged the presence of the GPTA officers from the different continue reading : SDO Parañaque’s plea to parents: back the giving out of modules, retrieval of books