SDO conducts TIP for 269 newly hired teachers TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE (269) newly hired teachers attended the Teacher Induction Program (TIP) at the Sequoia Hotel, Paraǹaque City, on November 18-19, 2022. The SDO carefully designed the division-initiated TIP with topics deemed relevant to the endeavors of the teachers as they start their teaching career in the continue reading : SDO conducts TIP for 269 newly hired teachers

SDO holds Thanksgiving Mass, Blessings in refurbished offices
SDO Paraǹaque holds Mass, Blessings in refurbished offices Schools Division of Paranaque never misses celebrating the milestones, achievements, or accomplishments that directly or indirectly affect its services to the clients. Attaining excellence requires hard work and deep commitment. It entails providing the employees with continual motivation and a work environment conducive to carrying out their continue reading : SDO holds Thanksgiving Mass, Blessings in refurbished offices

DepEd P’que fetes WTD in red carpet
Schools Division of Paraňaque conducted the World Teachers Day (WTD) Celebration on a welcome mat at the Mella Hotel, Las Piňas City, and live-streamed via FB on October 5, 2022. With the still looming COVID-19, the attendees in person were the awardees themselves, schoolheads, SDO personnel, and guests. However, the friends and supporters of the continue reading : DepEd P’que fetes WTD in red carpet

SHS TVL hi-tech facilities to rise at DepEd P’que
High-tech SHS TVL facilities to rise at DepEd P’que “My Dream, Your Dream, One Dream of All.” Schools Division of Paranaque conducted the Soft Launching of the Senior High School (SHS) State-of-the-Art Technical-Vocational (TVL) Laboratories and Centers at the PNHS Main on September 20, 2022. Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines continue reading : SHS TVL hi-tech facilities to rise at DepEd P’que

DepEd Parañaque awards 2022 SAGiP, SAFE CI winners
DepEd Parañaque awards 2022 SAGiP, SAFE CI winners Schools Division of Parañaque added another milestone through a dual festivity of the achievements of all schools in the 2022 SaGiP and SAFE-CI Awarding Ceremonies held on September 21 at the elegance of Excelsior Hotel, Las Pinas City. “There’s a time for everything,” Schools Division Superintendent continue reading : DepEd Parañaque awards 2022 SAGiP, SAFE CI winners

ELA paves way to a more established P’que public schools
There is much work to do yet to provide more accessible and quality-assured Basic Education services for the constituents of Parañaque City. The above statement is the resolve of Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines, who joined the ELA Workshop held at the Quest Hotel, Clark Pampanga, Aug. 24-26, 2022. Executive Legislative Agenda or ELA continue reading : ELA paves way to a more established P’que public schools

SDO conducts checking of forms, inventory of LRs
SDO conducts checking of forms, inventory of LRs To ensure the smooth transition of schoolyear and in line with the implementation of the Learning Recovery Plan (LRP), the Schools Division of Paraῆaque conducted the onsite checking of school forms and the onsite inventory of learning resources (LRs) in schools on July 4-8, 2022. continue reading : SDO conducts checking of forms, inventory of LRs

SBM Paraňaque Schools: Hearts on Fire
SBM Paraňaque Schools: Hearts on Fire After weeks of painstaking effort in collecting and further refining the gaps, the following schools emerged as Level 3 (Advanced) in the School-Based Management (SBM) practice: Don Galo Elementary School with Ms. Michelle Camposano as the schoolhead; F. Serrano Elementary School, with schoolhead Dr. Antonio Dorado; Sun Valley continue reading : SBM Paraňaque Schools: Hearts on Fire

SDO Parañaque awards Best Brigada Pagbasa Implementers
SDO Parañaque awards Best Brigada Pagbasa Implementers All efforts will not go down the drain. Schools Division of Paranaque awarded the elementary and secondary schools adjudged as the Best Implementers of Brigada Pagbasa in partnership with Brigada Eskwela in the Brigada Pagbasa Division Awards at Parañaque National High School-Main onJuly 6, 2022. Elementary continue reading : SDO Parañaque awards Best Brigada Pagbasa Implementers

DepEd P’que holds virtual, f2f EOSY rites
DepEd Paraῆaque holds virtual, f2f EOSY rites Schools Division of Paraῆaque City formally closed the classes with the End-of-School Year (EOSY) Rites for Kindergarten, Grade 6, Grade 10, and Grade 12 learners on June 27 – July 2, 2022, compliant with DepEd Memo 43 s. 2022, dubbed as the “Conduct of continue reading : DepEd P’que holds virtual, f2f EOSY rites