Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines, CESO V, laid down the thrusts of the Division in thefirst Executive Committee (ExeCom) Meeting, otherwise known as the Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting at the Jaime Ferrer Hall of the SDO on January 20, 2020.

Twenty-six elementary and 16 secondary school principals;all Education Program Supervisors (EPS) and Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDS) headed by CID Chief Bernardo N. Mascariña; Education Program Specialists headed by SGOD Chief Marilyn B. Timtiman; and personnel from the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent (OSDS) headed by Ms. Salve D. Tesorero, Administrative Officer V participated in the said ExeCom.

“It is not enough to communicate via memoranda and advisories,” said Dr. Ladines. “The ExeCom provides us the opportunity to share face-to-face the information, facts, best practices, opinions, guidelines, and discuss policies; learn, relearn and unlearn things; hope for various challenges; as well as build highways and bridges among and within our Division,” she emphasized.

During the ExeCom, Dr. Ladinespresented the following thrusts of the Division, viz.: 1.) Strengthen the frameworks and practices, 2.) Assessment of learning outcomes, 3.) School-Based Management (SBM) practices, 4.) School Monitoring Evaluation and Assessment (SMEA) and Division Monitoring Evaluation and Assessment (DMEA), 5.) Collaboration of SGOD, CID, and Schoolheads, 6. Instructional Supervision of MTs/HTs, Schoolheads, Supervisors, and Technical Assistance (TA) of Supervisors and Specialists.

According to Dr. Ladines, she needed to establish with the Schools Division of Parañaque the practices that conform with the norms and address the policies and guidelines of DepEd. For instance,there is no need to forward a letter in her office for the provision of office supplies as regards LSB matters. Hence, the school heads shall prepare a letter request with attention given to the concerned personnelas regardsthe ICT equipment, office equipment, janitorial supplies, security equipment/CCTV, rehabilitation/repair, construction, BrigadaEskwela, and Sports. She clarifiedwhom to pass first the letter requests addressed to Mayor Edwin L. Olivarez, the submission of budget proposal, submission of medal requirements as per DepEd Order on award and recognition of learners, and letter of information to the General Services Office (GSO), Department Head– all of which pass to her office asrecommending approval.

The superintendent likewise revisited the policies and practices on the following:

  1. Assessment of Learning Outcomes. Attention given to a well-constructed test items and performance tests, effective and efficient guidelines on test administration, test result analysis and interpretation as basis for instructional supervision, technical assistance and intervention programs, and test scores as one of the basis in rating the performance of learners;
  2. Conduct of Recognition, Completion and Graduation Programs with emphasis on the observance of the IIEEUU (Irregular, Illegal, Extravagant, Excessive, Unnecessary, Unconscionable) principle of financial management, No Collection Policy, simple and solemn programs, as well as meaningful speeches of top graduates and songs, adherence to pertinent style, visual and identity marks of DepEd, SGOD and CID chiefs to prepare the template of the program parts;
  3. Adherence to standards and protocol on Child Protection Policy, illegal drug use/possession among students, remedial instruction for students at risk of dropping out and underachievers, handling grievances of teachers/non-teaching personnel, accommodating office callers and visitors/costumers, utilization and liquidation of school funds, prudent use of ELO vehicle and gasoline allocation, and non-commercialization of goods and services, Performance Management of Teachers and Non-Teaching Personnel, School Learning Action Cell (SLAC), local and foreign travels, enrolment to masteral and doctoral programs, private practice of the profession and courtesy protocol.

Concluding the ExeCom with her thoughts on taking a risk, the superintendent called all participants to abide by the thrusts of the Division which spell out a strategic direction realizing the vision and mission of DepEd. (by Reena G. Orquina)