SDO urges school, division heads to lead best practices, action research


“Committed to Quality; Committed to Excellence.”


The above tagline of the Schools Division of Paraňaque City speaks of the conscientious effort of Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines to uphold and sustain quality and excellence within the entire division.


During the First Division Executive Committee Meeting on January 6, 2022, via Zoom, Superintendent Ladines required the schoolheads, CID and SGOD chiefs, Education Program Supervisors (EPS), Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDS), and Senior Education Program Specialists to submit the best practices, innovations, interventions, or action research which the division institutionalized as its significant thrust for 2022.


To untangle the division from considering research as its weakest link, the superintendent pressed the said participants to seriously conduct the action research and be one with DepED in supporting the culture of research.


Moreover, according to the superintendent, the schoolheads would have to initiate and submit the best practices twice (July and December), while the EPS, PSDS, and section heads of SGOD every last quarter of the year (December). The best practice must be an original designed program, project, or activity conducted by the proponent. If adapted from the other division, it must have improved to impact the performance of a Unit office or the school.


Meanwhile, the superintendent reminded the schoolheads to improve the home learning spaces, the learners’ connectivity, and the assessment of the learning outcomes in their respective schools. She required them (the schoolheads) to report how much they have done about the home learning spaces and the related activities. Also, each needed to submit a special report on improving the connectivity for the interest of the public school learners.


Finally, on improving the learning outcomes, the superintendent requested the CID and SGOD to collaborate in drafting a plan for the mid-year and the year-end learning assessments to monitor the data results. (by Reena G. Orquina)