SDO conducts checking of forms, inventory of LRs
To ensure the smooth transition of schoolyear and in line with the implementation of the Learning Recovery Plan (LRP), the Schools Division of Paraῆaque conducted the onsite checking of school forms and the onsite inventory of learning resources (LRs) in schools on July 4-8, 2022.
The division assigned a Division Checking Committee (DCC) to thoroughly substantiate the school forms initially checked by the respective schools compliant with DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2018 or Guidelines on the Preparation and Checking of School Forms. The Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) and the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) partnered to compose the DCC chaired by CID Chief Bernardo N. Mascariῆa, co-chaired by SGOD Chief Thelma F. Montiel and the concerned Public Schools District Supervisor of each district, as well as the Education Program Supervisor and assigned representative from the SGOD as members.
Meanwhile, the learning resources inventory team composed of the unit heads and representative/s from the Accounting, Admin, LRMDS, ICT, and COA visited from one school to another as scheduled to check, identify, or categorize the learning resources utilized by both the teachers and the learners whether serviceable or non-serviceable. The national and local resources acquired comprised the self-learning modules (SLMs), gadgets such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and others.
Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines reiterated the schools to prepare the documents required and for the checking committees to be conscientious and accurate in obtaining the data to avoid inconsistencies and unforeseen problems that may pass on to the next opening of classes.