Rollout on PRC-CPD Accreditation Process conducted

To uphold and support the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of both
teaching and non-teaching personnel, Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines, newly designated Schools Division Superintendent, led the conduct of the Division Rollout on PRC-CPD Accreditation Process on November 25-26, 2019 at the AVR of Parañaque National High School Main.
The activity was participated in by the Chief Education Supervisors, Education Program Supervisors, Public Schools District Supervisors, School Heads, Assistants to the Principal, Unit Heads, Senior Education Program Specialists, Education Program Specialists II, and Planning Officer III.
In her message, Dr. Ladines emphasized that CPD should not be viewed as a mere requirement for renewal of PRC license but as a means to help teachers grow professionally.
Mr. Angelo Armas, schoolhead of PNHS-Sto. Nino, prepared the participants through an interactive CPD quiz to motivate them to listen attentively to the succeeding topics.
Dr. Rosie O. Rumbaoa, CPD focal person from SGOD, stated the background and rationale of the rollout. She also discussed, “CPD: What Is It Really,” including the CPD legal bases, IRR, and other important notes.
Dr. Genie-Ann Santos, schoolhead from La Huerta ES, presented the participants a menu of various learning modalities to choose from. She reiterated that aside from trainings and LAC, other learning modalities may also be applied for CPD units.
Dr. Arlyn M. Brigola, EPS I and CPD team member for CID, discussed thoroughly the parts and the hows of instructional design. Workshop on preparation of instructional designs then followed wherein the participants were grouped according to Districts.
The presentations were critiqued by Dr. Ladines who supplemented the outputs with crystal clear ideas, making it easy for the groups to polish their work. Furthermore, Dr. Rumbaoa also discussed the submission process of CPD application and introduced the Division CPD team.
Dr. Ladines and Dr. Mascarina led the awarding of certificates to the resource speakers and the participants. Dr. Gerry Catchillar, schoolhead of PNHS Baclaran and PSDS Marita Briones delivered their impressions as regards the flow and content of the rollout.
Dr. Mascarina challenged the participants to advocate the CPD which was accepted by Engr. Pablito Vibal on behalf of the participants.