Make a Connection
By Dr. Maria Magdalena M. Lim
Schools Division Superintendent
Only connect.
This was what my autopilot says on my first day in DepEd Paranaque City. Connect with people. Share ideas. Share knowledge. Share dreams.
Connection is primal. Connection is survival. It is like being in a multitude of dots in a canvass and connecting with them to see how I figure out in the design. Will my dot be an odd dot out? Or will my dot make a difference in the pattern. A good difference.
I learned from my ‘connecting the dots’ journey that what to do after making connection is what matters most. Strengthening the connections to make stronger bonds. Reconnecting broken ones. Repairing frayed ones. Connecting new ones. Looking for pattern and rearranging it to create a general direction.
Rearranging the pattern to create a general direction. This – we do together. All of us dots in the canvass of DepEd Paranaque. The general flow is to make things better continually – from where we are right now to the pinnacle of our aspiration six years from today. To the very day where each graduate in the Division of Paranaque has a niche in a competitive economic market in his community and even in another part in or out of the country.
There is more to making connections and setting direction. Of course. Each connection has a story. The stories of our teachers and how they work hard to carry out their obligation of educating our youth. The struggle of our principals to improve the performance of their schools. The creativity of supervisors who are crafting programs to bidge gaps in achieving quality instruction. The tenacity of support staffs in ensuring efficient delivery of services. The determination of division officials in establishing shared but transparent governance. And the varied faces of our children, coming from different backgrounds and each carrying a torch of hope (even flickering for some) for a bright future.
We are still connecting, not only with ourselves but with those outside DepEd as well.
Connection is endless.