Schools Division of Paraňaque City conducted an engagement dubbed the “Utilization of 3rd Quarter SLMs” attended virtually by the schoolheads, CID and SGOD chiefs, Education Program Supervisors, Public Schools District Supervisors, and concerned Education Program Specialists on January 25, 2022, via Zoom.
The engagement presented the utilization guidelines, which the division crafted after having received and distributed to schools the 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) procured by the DepEd Central Office (CO) and the Regional Office (RO). It also reiterated the utilization guidelines of the digitized SDO-developed SLeMs.
“We would like to give our best more than enough to satisfy the delivery of Basic Education among the 110,00 learners of SDO Paraňaque. We do not like to be in hot water because of miscommunication and gaps not addressed,” said Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines, schools division superintendent.
“In the interest of our learners and teachers, the guidelines ensure that the schools will take full advantage of the utilization of the Co and RO-procured SLMs, as well as the digitized division-developed SLMs,” Dr. Ladines added.
With the collaboration of the schoolheads in following the guidelines set by the region and supported by the division, the superintendent hoped that the third quarter would be “smooth with less pain in the neck, fewer bottlenecks, and constraints.”
The engagement ended with the participants giving their assurance to conform with the guidelines and guarantee the smooth utilization of the SLMs in the respective schools. (by Reena G. Orquina)