“Continue to enhance your skills to provide quality education in spite of the challenge we are facing at this time of pandemic,” urged Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines in her inspirational message given to approximately 3, 0000 teachers in the simultaneous Division In-Service Training across All Learning Areas via Google Meet on June 29-July continue reading : Teachers urged to deliver quality education despite pandemic

SDO initiates Donate-a-Cellphone drive
In terms of education amidst COVID-19 pandemic, no learner will be left behind for the Schools Division of Parañaque with the cellphone drive division initiative. The Learner’s Enrollment Survey Form (LESF) conducted by the Research and Planning office baring a rough estimate of 20 to 25 percent or 19,200 to 24,000 of the learners who continue reading : SDO initiates Donate-a-Cellphone drive

SDO Parañaque sets default mode on MDL
To prepare the teachers and learners in the opening of classes on August 24, 2020, the Schools Division of Parañaque City under the leadership of the Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines, has undertaken a series of webinar on module writing and quality assurance across learning areas to ensure that teachers are given ample continue reading : SDO Parañaque sets default mode on MDL

WFH: A Journey of Insightful Discoveries
Like a thief in the night, COVID-19 came without an invitation. And what more can be expected from a thief? It quickly robbed people’s freedom to live normally and to work and perform their basic daily functions the way they were used to, especially during the periods of lockdown and isolation. Sadly, the pandemic hit continue reading : WFH: A Journey of Insightful Discoveries

Mayor Olivarez funds projects for DL through modular instruction
In support to the Distance Learning (DL) through modular instruction adapted by the Schools Division of Parañaque for S.Y. 2020-2020, Local School Board (LSB) chair Mayor Edwin L. Olivarez approved the proposed projects presented by Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines, LSB co-chair, during the LSB meeting on June 11, 2020. Mayor Olivarez disclosed his continue reading : Mayor Olivarez funds projects for DL through modular instruction

SDO P’que enrolment hits 98.9%
Schools Division of Parañaque City hit the record high of 98.9 percent total number of enrollees for S.Y. 2020-2021, in the conduct of the remote enrolment of schools as confirmed from the generated Learners Enrolment Survey Form (LESF) As of June 30, 2020 enrolment data reveals the grand total of 95,377 with a variance of continue reading : SDO P’que enrolment hits 98.9%

SDS Ladines upholds Division thrusts for 2020 at ExeCom
Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines, CESO V, laid down the thrusts of the Division in thefirst Executive Committee (ExeCom) Meeting, otherwise known as the Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting at the Jaime Ferrer Hall of the SDO on January 20, 2020. Twenty-six elementary and 16 secondary school principals;all Education Program Supervisors (EPS) and Public Schools continue reading : SDS Ladines upholds Division thrusts for 2020 at ExeCom

SDO P’que undergoes ISO external audit anew, passes with flying colors
SDO P’que undergoes ISO external audit anew, passes with flying colors To sustain its compliance to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, the Schools Division of Parañaque City once again underwent through a stringent external audit from auditors of In-fact Management Consultancy Services on December 16 to 17, 2019. On the first day of the external continue reading : SDO P’que undergoes ISO external audit anew, passes with flying colors

SDO P’que holds Seamless Collab
SDO P’que holds Seamless Collab Recognizing the positive impact of the team effort to attain greater productivity performance, theSchools Division Office personnel together with the selected principals of Parañaque convened at Hannah’s Garden Event Place for the Enhancing Seamless Collaboration through Effective MEA / SBM and L and D Implementation in Schools on December continue reading : SDO P’que holds Seamless Collab

2019 Division Advent Recollection
It is the goal of the Schools Division of Paranaque City under the leadership of Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines, Schools Division Superintendent to provide its personnel not only the hard skills but the soft skills in order to be more efficient in providing customer service. To complement this goal, the 2019 Division Advent Recollection was continue reading : 2019 Division Advent Recollection