Equally hardworking and experienced. Thus described the new Officer-in-Charge, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (OIC-ASDS) of the Schools Division of Parañaque in the welcome program prepared for her at the Jaime Ferrer Hall of the division consequent to her re-assignment signed by DepEd Secretary Leonor M. Briones effective July 20. Dr. Violeta Mabazza Gonzalez, fondly called continue reading : Dr. Gonzales is the new OIC – ASDS of SDO Parañaque

Unconventional recruitment process effected at SDO Parañaque
The new normal takes the toll in the Schools Division of Parañaque in the conduct of the recruitment process and deployment of new teachers for SY 2020-2021. Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines circulated a division memo advising the Personnel Selection Board (PSB) through Administrative Officer IV/Human Resource Management Officer Shery M. Roque to undertake continue reading : Unconventional recruitment process effected at SDO Parañaque

DepEd Parañaque goes live on 1st Stakeholders Convergence; launches CP drive
Schools Division of Parañaque through the SGOD headed by Dr. Marilyn B. Timtiman, chief, held its recently concluded Sama-Sama sa Edukalidad: First Virtual Stakeholders Convergence via Google Meet and FB Live streaming and officially launched its Cellphone Drive, July 15. The Convergence had Mayor Edwin L. Olivarez as its guest who reiterated his firm support continue reading : DepEd Parañaque goes live on 1st Stakeholders Convergence; launches CP drive

SDO Parañaque enrollment spike hits 104%
Schools Division of Parañaque City sustains its stance on enrollment as it shows a dramatic increase of 104 percent on the last day of its extended enrolment, July 15. There’s no denying the generated Learners Enrollment Survey Form (LESF) reveals both online and offline enrollment results to garner a grand total of 100,740 learners enrolled continue reading : SDO Parañaque enrollment spike hits 104%

SDS Ladines lauds PSOA heads
Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines extended her appreciation to the lead persons of the Pre School Opening Activities (PSOA) in a virtual meeting participated in by the schoolheads, CID and SGOD chiefs, CID and SGOD supervisors and specialists, July 10. PSOA lead persons Dr. Rosie O. Rumbaoa and Ms. Thelma F. Montiel for the continue reading : SDS Ladines lauds PSOA heads

SDS Ladines bares internet connectivity for schools
“With the approval on the internet connectivity program of Parañaque City, learners will soon avail of the Wi-Fi connection which will help them respond to the learning modality of the division,” Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines disclosed in a virtual meeting with the schoolheads, CID and SGOD chiefs, CID and SGOD supervisors, division IT continue reading : SDS Ladines bares internet connectivity for schools

SDO intensifies collaboration for quality assured modules
As the Schools Division of Parañaque embarks on Modular Distance Learning (MDL) as its default mode in the opening of classes on August 24, Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines clearly articulates the essence of intensifying collaboration and fostering partnership with schools to ensure that the learning modules to be digitized or printed are continue reading : SDO intensifies collaboration for quality assured modules

SDS Ladines meets PSOA Expanded Simulation Group
To follow up on the readiness of the division on the simulation of the utilization of Self- Made Learning Modules (SLeMs), Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines gathered via Google Meet the members of the Simulation Group of the Pre School Opening Activities (PSOA) with the selected principals and supervisors, July 7. Dr. Ladines reiterated continue reading : SDS Ladines meets PSOA Expanded Simulation Group

SDO BAC holds Forum on Procurement via Google Meet
In the Forum on Procurement via Google Meet, July 7, Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines lauded Ms. Thelma F. Montiel for sharing her expertise and experience as a long-time member now designated as chair of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) in the absence of the assistant schools division superintendent of the Schools Division continue reading : SDO BAC holds Forum on Procurement via Google Meet

SDO conducts webinar on different online platforms
To develop among teachers the capability to respond to the demands of the education system in the new normal, the Schools Division of Parañaque through Mr. Al C. Catchillar, IT officer, conducted a Webinar Training on Different Online Platforms via Google Meet, July 6-10, 2020. The webinar aimed to equip the skills of the teachers continue reading : SDO conducts webinar on different online platforms