It is the goal of the Schools Division of Paranaque City under the leadership of Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines, Schools Division Superintendent to provide its personnel not only the hard skills but the soft skills in order to be more efficient in providing customer service.

Evangeline P. Ladines, SDS,leads the conduct ofthe 2019 DivisionAdvent Recollection

To complement this goal, the 2019 Division Advent Recollection was conducted on December 9-10, 2019 at The Hills Silang, Pooc, Silang Cavite.

One hundred Fifteen participants from the Schools Division Superintendent down to the rank and file joined the event.

Group Sharing

Rev. Father Fr. Raphael BianzonBabano, MMHC, Retreat Director / Recollection Master for more than 30, together with Bro. Arjay S. Tanguilig, MMHC,Retreat Master and Facilitator for 8 years werechosen guest speakers during the recollection. In day 1, Fr. Barbano shared a story in his life wherein after his ordination he visited his teachers in elementary school and high school. In this story, we could see the following things: being humble, forgiving, loving and understanding.

            On being humble, Fr. Barbano showed a real human skull. Here participants would realize that in this world of materialism, we have nothing to be proud of as we all die and decay.  After all “We are dust, to dust we shall return”. On being loving, he highlighted agape love as the highest expression of love: pure, selfless, and unconditional. He said, “If there is no in the workplace, in the home, in the community, then bring love, so there will be love.

In day 2, Bro. Arjay S. Tanguilig, MMHC, reminded us to embrace and adopt the 7 virtues of faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, prudence and temperance. He said that if we follow these virtues, we would be seen as good persons who could trusted.

Fr. Barbano says, “Be the light and pass that light to others.”

The highlight of day 2 was the celebration of the Holy Mass where Fr. Barbano still focused on giving love. After the mass, mass goers formed a big circle, and held hands while singing from the heart\ “The Greatest Love of All”.

The ecumenical Advent Recollection was an avenue to reorient ourselves, to gain the proper perspective on things and put our priorities in order.Let Fr. Barbano’s definition retreat be our guide in our day to day undertakings:  Renewal for God and me, Examination of conscience, Time for introspection, Resolve to correct ourselves, Endeavor to pray well, Attentive to God’s presence, Thanksgiving.