SDO P’que sweeps BE nat’l awards;
Division BE coordinator nat’l leadership awardee anew

One yields the fruit with what one sows; that is, if hard work and persistence is strewed, expect a substantial reward no amount of material things could equate.

Theabove statement holdstrue to the Schools Division of Paranaque whose stead fast support to DepEd’s Brigada Eskwela(BE) program resulted to the awards feted by the winning schools and the Division BE coordinator during the National Awarding Ceremony held at the Zamboanga del Norte Convention and Sports Center, Dipolog City on Nov. 23, 2018.

San Isidro Elementary School (SIES) with former principal, Cecilia P. Pablo and Paranaque Science High School (PSHS) with Concepcion C. Bernaldez, principal, were declared the national awardees as Best Implementer of BE for the small and the secondary categories, respectively.

Similarly, defeating the three BrigadaEskwela Hall of Famers in the elementary level throughout National Capital Region, F. Serrano Elementary School with Principal Ronel V. Corroalso bagged the national award for the 2018 BrigadaEskwela Plus Most Sustained School category. It could be recalled that the said school hassustained the seatas the BE Hall of Famer since 2016.

For this feat, Maximino E. Santos, Jr., Senior Education Program Specialist in Social Mobilization and Networking assigned as the Division BE coordinator also received for the second time, the National Leadership Award having demonstrated an exemplary performance in effectively and efficiently monitoring the implementation of the program in schools. He received the same recognition the previous year.

Schools Division Superintendent Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, commended the awardees and encouraged them to persevere and elevate their best practices to inspire more schools in intensifying their participation to the BE program. She said that Division monitoring continues to ensure the school’s complianceto the BE guidelines set by DepEd.

SDO team present during the awarding ceremonies were Schools Division Superintendent Maria Magdalena M. Lim, SGOD Chief Marilyn B. Timtiman, andthe national awardees: Maximino E. Santos,Division BE coordinator; Ronel V. Corro, FSES principal; Cecilia P. Pablo, SIES former principal; Divine Grace Q. Dazo, PSHS BE coordinator; Godofredo C. Canatuan, FSES BE coordinator; Hannah Marie B. Pakinggan, SIES BE coordinator; ASP coordinators, Renato Panis and Ma. Cristina R. Villareal, GPTA representatives, Isaac Sumiljig and Susan J. Corro.