City Gov’t, DepED P’que step up support for drivers

By Dr. Mineilwin Serdana, PSDS

The City Government and the Schools Division of Paranaque joint efforts in the conduct of the Division Seminar for Drivers held at the AVR of San Antonio Elementary School on March 15, 2017.

Thirty-seven drivers from both elementary and secondary levels attended the seminar with the theme, “Strengthening Risk Reduction Capacities in Vehicle Driving and Promoting Responsible and Ethical Driving Standard.”

“Road accidents usually happen due to the drivers’ negligence or lack of knowledge on safe driving,” said the chief admin and training division of PDRRMO Jericho F. Adolfo   during his presentation of the cases of vehicular accidents.

Discussing with the participants the tips for maintaining a good driver attitude and review the traffic rules / road safety, Adolfo stressed the need for all drivers to be reminded of their duties as the lives of their passengers, not only themselves, are at stake.

Other topics tackled with the corresponding speakers were the following: Criminal Liabilities of Drivers and Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard for Public Employees by Atty. Hector Hugh L. Ngales, the Division’s legal consultant; Passenger Management by Joselito M.Tuplano, the Division’s project development officer; and Simple Mechanical Troubleshooting by Allen Gueta, TLE teacher  and ALS driving instructor of Paranaque National High School – Main.

Present during the seminar were Dr. Maria Magdalena M. Lim, schools division superintendent; Dr. Margarito B. Materum, OIC – assistant schools division superintendent, Rhodora Villar, chair of the Local School Board; and Dr. Marilyn Timtiman, SGOD chief together with the staff.