SDO holds unconventional GAD confab
Truly a life-changing experience.
The Seminar on Gender and Development (GAD) of the Schools Division of Paraǹaque on November 25-26, 2022, at Sequoia Hotel was a distinct encounter for the SDO personnel.
The SDO participants were wrapped up not only in matters related to DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2017 or the “Gender Responsive Basic Education Policy,” but also on simple life hacks, awareness, and responsibilities that each must do for the environment, notwithstanding strengthening the camaraderie and socio-emotional wellness among the 116 personnel. That made it atypical in the conduct of GAD.
Public Schools District Supervisor (PSDS) Leonora J. Nofuente, GAD Division focal person, distributed the face masks to the participants clustered into groups according to the color of the facemasks received: red, green, pink, and lavender, and then engaged the groups in actual hands-on experiences from assigned speakers and facilitators in the Base Method Activity.
The participants relished learning new skills as they hopped from one Base to another. PSDS Wilma T. Loria facilitated Base 1, which taught fancy table napkin folding. Education Program Supervisor Corazon A. Javier took charge of Base 2, improvised gift wrapping. PSDS Ma. Estrellita C. Arceo demonstrated gift wrap with ribbon making and towel folding as gift items on Base 3, and Miss Teresita Hernadez from PNHS-Main for Base 4 tackled hand massage with the assistance of the selected Senior High School students who offered free hand massage services. All these presentations were intended as a means to boost livelihood and entrepreneurial skills.
On a serious note, Atty. Mark Francis O. Na-oy discussed the violence against women and children (VAWC) and stipulations as stated under R.A. 7610 (An Act Providing for Stronger Deterrence and Special Protection Against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination, Providing Penalties for Its Violation, and Other Purposes). He likewise expounded R.A. 9262 (An Act Defining Violence Against Women and their Children, Providing for Protective Measures for Victims, Prescribing Penalties, therefore, and for Other Purposes) and other GAD updates.
Then, Mr. Hector Hugh L. Ngales discoursed the Grievance Procedure in the Workplace. He also elucidated DepEd Order No. 35 s. 2004 (Revision of the Grievance Machineries of the Department of Education). Mr. Hugh discussed how poor interpersonal relationships and linkages affect the agency. He cited several examples of offenses under grievance or non-grievance procedures that employees of DepEd may involve in.
Next, Senior Education Program Specialist Leah E. Sudsakorn took her share on Republic Act 7877, or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act, and explained the meaning of homophobic and transphobic remarks; and how Committee on Decorum and Investigation or CODI is conducted.
Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines expressed her appreciation to the focal person who chose “GADthering is Learning,” as the theme of the Division event. According to her, GAD is indeed a time to bond with the other employees not belonging to the same Unit office.
“GAD is a perfect time to learn new things which are very helpful to the family on special occasions,” Dr. Ladines spoke. “Gift wrapping, for instance, is very timely since Christmas is just around the corner and so is hand massage so one could give a good massage to a partner or children as well,” she stressed further.
Moreover, relative to the topic of Environmental Awareness discussed by Mr. Emerson O. Sabadlab, the Superintendent also mulled over the importance of waste segregation observed by all employees in the Division and so she expressed the desire to intensify the campaign on the proper segregation of waste as part and parcel (one of the four pillars) of Basic Education under Resiliency and Well-being. (by Edwin S. Doria)