

The ultimate goal of Special Education is to mainstream or integrate these learners with regular program with the assistance of SPED teacher in class.
The putative Special Education Act of 2007 identifies ten groups of Children with Special Needs (CSNs) (Sec. 4, para.):

Gifted children and fast learnerssped
Mentally handicapped/mentally retarded
Visually impaired
Hearing impaired
Children with behavior problems
Orthopedically handicapped
Children with special health problems
Children with learning disabilities (perceptual handicap, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia)
Speech impaired
Persons with autism
With this, schools within the division offer these services to cater students with disabilities. In 2012-13, there were 19 identified SPED students in Pre-school, 127 Elementary, 25 secondary students while 297 are non-graded Additional SPED teachers are also employed to meet the needs of these students.