To ascertain that the newly hired teachers receive as much guidance as they teach the learners amidst COVID-19 Pandemic, the Schools Division of Paraňaque initiated the Teacher Induction Program (TIP) via Zoom, April 6-8 and 12-14, 2021.

 Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladiness encouraged all TIP participants to take advantage of the program to improve their knowledge and skills and develop a commitment and solid foundation in teaching.

“I challenge our young teachers to row your roadmap for a successful and fulfilling teaching career,” Superintendent Ladines remarked. “Your willingness to join in the series of sessions which the TIP technical working group had meticulously prepared is the starting point of your roadmap to success,” Dr. Ladines said.

On the other hand, OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Violeta M. Gonzales likewise stated: “Your solid teacher induction program is essential to help you adapt to the system with ease to survive in teaching.” Dr. Gonzales hoped that the concern showed to the young teachers would motivate them to be committed in their role as teachers in the new normal.

The various topics and speakers of the six-day sessions include The Department of Education by OIC-SGOD Thelma F. Montiel; Teacher Induction Program, PSDS Ma. Estrellita C. Arceo; Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, CID-Chief Bernardo N. Mascariňa; Personnel Actions, Administrative Officer Sheryl Roque-Castillo; Introduction to IPCRF-RPMS Structure, HRD Specialist Rosie O. Rumbaoa; The RPMS Portfolio, PSDS Leonora J. Nofuente;  Self-Assessment Tool, PSDS Reena G. Orquina; Printed and Digitized SLeMs and Learning Plan, EPS Arlyn M. Brigola; Alternative Delivery Model (ADM) and Special Programs, Education Program Specialist Emerson Sabadlab; DepEd Commons and Learning Resource Portal, Quipper and Technokids, EPS Rodel Apostol; Teaching Strategies Using Technology in Distance Learning, PSDS Reena G. Orquina; and Learners Information System (LIS) and School Forms, Planning Officer Ma. Theresa DL Manansala.

The participants expressed their views and clarifications on the topics discussed for the day in the open forum. (by Reena G. Orquina)