The Schools Division of Paraňaque City initiated the Learning Action Cell (LAC) Coping up with Technology in the New Normal via Google Meet and FB Live, September 1-4 and September 7-11.

 LAC provided an intensive training to the 276 teacher participants in learning the basic skills of computer.  The postponement of classes from August 24 to October 5 made it more advantageous for these teachers to really focus on the tasks required during workshops with the assistance of Mr. Al C. Catchillar, division IT officer who organized the training.

Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P.  Ladines conceptualized the training in response to the feedback from the field identifying these teachers that needed assistance in the use of technology to prepare them in the opening of classes.

Dr. Ladines assured the participants that the division is trying its best to help address the difficulties as long as they only open their mind  learning the beauty of technology that helps them reach out to the learners, to the parents, and to the people they wish to connect and collaborate with at this time of pandemic.

“Do not waste the nine days of training especially designed for you. Have fun and do not spoil the learning opportunity, devote your time to it, be participative, and discover its benefits as you deliver the instruction to your learners adapting the learning modality,” the superintendent advised.

The participants came up with outputs as they performed the basic computer skills using the MS Word (autobiography, proposal letter, calendar, certificate, and brochure), MS Power Point ( making a mini-portfolio,  sample recipe, poster,  slide presentation, sample presentation of top 10 favorite places), and MS Excel (inventory of supplies, weekly tasks, master file collection, calculator, and grade sheets). (by Reena G. Orquina)