To acquaint the parents on the procedure of the distribution and retrieval of the learning packages, the Schools Division of Parañaque organized the 1st Virtual General Parents-Teachers Association (GPTA) assembly via Google Meet and FB live streaming, July 28.

Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines acknowledged the presence of the GPTA officers from the different schools of the SDO headed by Atty. Mike Santiago, president of the Federated GPTA.

Superintendent Ladines said that the unexpected lockdown and community quarantine due to COVID-19 pandemic has finished the previous school year without a formal closure and that the schools were not even able to retrieve the books from the students. “That is why we are calling for this meeting to appeal for your cooperation in the two major activities: one is the retrieval of books and the other is the distribution of modules without disregarding the health and safety protocols prescribed by AITF, DOH and DepEd.”

“Even though we at the SDO don’t meet physically, we still do the best we can and still perform our duties for the learners,” she said emphasizing that the SDO has been very busy preparing for the opening of the S.Y. 2020-2021 alongside with carrying out the plan for the formal closure of the S.Y. 2019-2020.

The Superintendent informed the parents of the modular distance learning modality to be adapted for the present school year. “After the painstaking days and nights spent  for the preparation of classes including the modules developed, these (modules) are going to be prepared as learning packages and be distributed starting August 5 together with the book retrieval,” she said.

Dr. Ladines bolstered and reiterated the significance of the involvement of the parents to succeed in the opening of classes on August 24.  “The schools need your assistance. They can’t do it alone,” she said. She invited them to attend in the virtual general PTA assembly to be called for by the principals of the respective schools on July 30.

SGOD Chief Marilyn B. Timtiman presented and explained the procedures of the distribution and retrieval of the learning packages, while Ms. Thelma F. Montiel and Dr. Mineilwin M. Serdaña took charge of the mechanism in the retrieval of books. (By Reena G. Orquina)