Schools Division of Parañaque City hit the record high of 98.9 percent total number of enrollees for S.Y. 2020-2021, in the conduct of the remote enrolment of schools as confirmed from the generated Learners Enrolment Survey Form (LESF)
As of June 30, 2020 enrolment data reveals the grand total of 95,377 with a variance of 1,059 to reach the same number of previous school year enrolment of 96,436.
Specifically, the elementary level has a total enrolment of 52,439; the Junior High School has 35,832; Senior High School has 6,642; and SPED, 464. Aside from that, ALS brings in 927 total enrolment, while the number of learners enrolled from private schools reached 3,836.
With the recent extension in the enrolment period until July 15, 2020, the Division sees the number of enrolment to continue to spike, and in time, even exceed the previous enrolment before classes begin on August 24, 2020.
The figure indicates the trust and confidence of the parents in the public school system with the supportive government officials of the city headed by Mayor Edwin L. Olivarez notwithstanding the steadfast leadership of the Schools Division Superintendent Evangeline P. Ladines. (By Reena G. Orquina)