As the Schools Division of Parañaque embarks on Modular Distance Learning (MDL) as its default mode in the opening of classes on August 24, Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines clearly articulates the essence of intensifying collaboration and fostering partnership with schools to ensure that the learning modules to be digitized or printed are of quality, localized, contextualized and adaptive to the needs of the learners.
The Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) led by Dr. Bernardo N. Mascarina, chief, facilitated the process for module preparation involving the preliminary activities such as the writing proper, the quality assurance procedure, printing and reproduction. Likewise, the Education Program Supervisor (EPS) of the Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS), Dr. Rodel Apostol, expedited the division’s upskilling of the module developers and quality assurance team by making it possible the conduct of a series of relevant webinars, as well as writeshops of the EPSs.
As the overseers in their respective schools, schoolheads carried out some engagement opportunities aimed at cultivating awareness of teachers on the need to cooperate with the SDO. They identified competent, skilled and dynamic module writers and established a school-based quality assurance (QA) team composed of Master Teachers, Head Teachers and Subject Coordinators per learning area responsible in editing, proofreading and validating the written modules before forwarding them to the division QA team, comprised of the EPSs and Public Schools District Supervisors.
When asked about how the modules that are being developed in the new normal situation differ from other learning materials, Dr. Mascarina responded that aside from the fact that the SDO follows the national standards in module writing is the added ‘C’ which stands for ‘character’. He explained that the material is integrated with values formation, and contextualized to be adaptive to the needs of the learners in the current situation. In addition, he pointed out that the material will include parent’s guide, to strengthen parents’ involvement in their children’s learning at home.
On the other hand, Dr. Vilma F. Forbes, schoolhead of San Agustin Elementary School, expressed that the passing through of the modules for in-depth scrutiny with the division QA team makes the modules more reliable and useful for the learners.
Indeed, the collaboration between the SDO and the schools in the quality assured modules opened a strong communication channel for mutual suggestions, which are necessary in taking a unified direction and in achieving one goal to cater the needs of the learners. (By Ritche Loria Gallego – Beloy)